Saturday 22 October 2011

Dealing With A Mold Allergy

Mold allergy is not nearly as common as you might have thought considering there are thousands of different molds. But out of those thousands about a dozen can cause an allergic reaction.

Molds and fungi grow in all kinds of environments and they really do nicely inside. Outside molds don’t really have a season that causes trouble. If you have asthma that is a result of a mold allergy the best thing you can do it so avoid the mold spores. Of course completely avoiding them is pretty difficult, especially air borne molds. Thankfully there are asthma medications that work well.

Wondering what the symptoms are for a mold allergy? They are the same as any other respiratory allergy. Sneezing, cough, runny or stuffy nose, postnasal drip, watery eyes, itchy eyes, itchy nose and throat, sinusitis, and skin rash and for some it causes asthma which has shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing.

A mold allergy is caused when you come into contact with the mold spores and your body thinks they are a foreign invader so it develops an antibody to fight it. Even after the exposure is over you body will continue to produce antibodies so they will remember this invader the next time contact occurs. The reaction causes your body to release histamines which are what cause your eyes to water and your nose to run.

Toxic black mold is the mold allergy that made the news awhile back because it caused serious lung disease and caused hundreds of homes to be condemned as unfit to live in. Black mold is not a medical term but rather the slang it was dubbed at the time. This greenish black mold develops after serious water damage has occurred and although it has been directly linked to severe mold allergy the scientists still haven’t been able to determine why.

The treatment for a mold allergy is the same as with any other allergy. There are several different types of medications both over the counter, prescription, and natural supplements that can help.

For an asthma type mold allergy inhaled corticosteroids can be used if you have symptoms more than twice a week your doctor will likely put you on a corticosteroid medication.

For some the mold allergy results in an instant asthma attach when exposed. Bronchodilators are quick to act bring relief from asthma attack symptoms almost instantly.

Antihistamines are used when the immune system over reacts to the mold allergy producing histamines. Histamines cause watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose, and other symptoms. Claritin and Allegra are two common antihistamines that are used.

When a mold allergy causes mucus and sinus problems then using a decongestant can bring relief from those symptoms. Common decongestions include Claritin-D and Allegra-D with the D standing for decongestion. Often an antihistamine and decongestion are combined to get the best relief.

There are also nasal sprays, immunotherapy which is a series of shots, and natural supplements that can help boost the immune system and bring your body into balance. Some can even relieve your histamine symptoms.

If you have a mold allergy it is important to deal with the mold itself whenever possible and then choose the correct treatment for your situation. It always pays to try natural options first before restoring to chemical solutions.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Skin Allergies Causes, Symptoms And Treatments For Skin Allergies

Skin Allergies

Red, bumpy, scaly, itchy, swollen skin....any of these symptoms can signify an allergic skin condition.These skin problems can be caused by a range of different things: animals, plants, medicines, foods, jewelery or even your clothes.Generally these attacks that are brought on by the unfortunate intersection of allergies and skin rashes fall into one of two categories: dermal allergies and systemic allergies that present as skin rashes.

What are the most common allergens?
Pollen from trees, grass and weeds. aAlergies that occur in the spring (late April and May) are often due to tree pollen. Mold is common where water tends to collect, such as shower curtains, window moldings and damp basements.

Causes Skin Allergies
Dust mites, cockroaches, molds and animal dander, are examples of year-around allergens.

Tree, grass and ragweed pollens are primarily seasonal outdoor allergens. Seasonal pollens depend on wind for cross-pollination. Plants that depend on insect pollination, such as goldenrod and dandelions, do not usually cause allergic rhinitis.

Allergy is caused by an oversensitive immune system, which leads to a misdirected immune response. The immune system normally protects the body against harmful substances, such as bacteria and viruses. It reacts to substances (allergens) that are generally harmless and in most people do not cause a problem.

Grass and tree pollens
Dust mites (living in and feeding on house dust)
Food (cow's milk, hen eggs, wheat, soya, seafood, fruit and nuts)
Fungal or mould spores (in the bathroom and other damp areas)
Poison ivy is the classic example of acute ACD in North America. ACD from poison ivy is characterized by linear streaks of acute dermatitis that develop where plant parts have been in direct contact with the skin.

Symptoms Skin Allergies
Pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, pustules, and some skin cysts are markers of acne. Get up to speed on acne symptoms
allergic shiners - the dark circles children with allergies often get under their eyes
An allergic salute common in children - the upward tilt of the nose with a crease on top, caused by the child's continual upward swiping at an itchy nose.
Another skin condition, urticaria (hives), is often considered a symptom of allergies, but not all urticaria is caused by an allergic response. allergic urticaria is often related to drug, food, or latex allergies, but many times it is not known what triggers the urticaria.
wheezing, noisy breathing or shortness of breath rash or redness of the skin loss of consciousness

Treatment skin allergies
Antihistamines like diphenhydramine, chlortrimeton, or loratadine (Clari tin, Clari tin RediTabs, Al avert); and moisturizing lotions.

Keep windows and doors closed during heavy pollination seasons.
Use the air conditioner in the house and car.
Rid the home of indoor plants and other sources of mildew.
Gargle with warm salt water to help reduce swelling and relieve discomfort:
Gargle at least once each hour with 1 tsp (5 g) of salt dissolved in 8 fl oz of warm water.
Use acaricide (a chemical that kills house-dust mites) or a tannic acid solution (solution that neutralizes the allergen in mite droppings).